This FAQ is provided to answer any questions you may have about the mandatory study abroad requirement.
All degree-seeking students must fulfill the mandatory study abroad requirement.
You need to participate in a Goucher-sanctioned study abroad program at some point during your undergraduate career at Goucher.
You may fulfill this mandatory requirement through one of the many study-abroad programs offered through Goucher's Office of Global Education—including any of our three-week Intensive Courses Abroad or any semester or academic-year program.
If you will require accommodations in order to complete the Goucher study abroad requirement, please speak directly with the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) as early as possible in your planning process. For information and assistance, please email Advisors in the Office of Global Education will also be happy to connect you with the appropriate resources and support through OAS.
Information about requesting a substitution for the study abroad requirement for students with documented disabilities can be found in the Study Abroad Substitution Request Policy (PDF).
Students who are citizens and primary residents of a country other than the United States and who have completed their high school diploma or certificate outside the U.S. are already fulfilling the study abroad requirement by studying at Goucher College. The Global Education Director will inform the Registrar when an international student enrolls in Goucher College so that the Study Abroad requirement is recorded as completed in the student’s record.
All transfer students who have completed a study abroad program in an accredited higher education institution or completed an internship related to international content or an international internship prior to enrolling at Goucher will have satisfied the study abroad requirement upon enrollment. Students should send transcript of study abroad experience to who upon receipt and approval will inform the Registrar.
If you have questions about our study-abroad programs please contact the Office of Global Education at